Banana and Aster Plant

The Banana comes in 4 colors, the Aster in 5. The basket has 10 color options, the pot has 40. The Aster has indoor and outdoor options. 
You can choose if you want the plants in a pot or without. 

Game-ready low poly, optimized for low-end computers. Base game compatible. 

Happy Simming!

Banana and Aster Plant

The Banana comes in 4 colors, the Aster in 5. The basket has 10 color options, the pot has 40. The Aster has indoor and outdoor options. 
You can choose if you want the plants in a pot or without. 

Game-ready low poly, optimized for low-end computers. Base game compatible. 

Happy Simming!

Set includes:

All the objects in one Zip: